SM Bashevkin, AR Frederick, EA Hubbard, CA Vines, K Magaña, SJ Hutton, GN Cherr, KM Aquilino (submitted) Improving settlement success in abalone aquaculture: KCl induces stronger settlement than GABA or crustose coralline algae for red (Haliotis rufescens) and white (H. sorenseni) abalone.
Swezey, DS, SE Boles, KM Aquilino, HK Stott, D Bush, A Whitehead, L Rogers-Bennett, TM Hill, and E Sanford. (2020) Evolved differences in energy metabolism and growth dictate the impacts of ocean acidification on abalone aquaculture. PNAS. 117 (42) 26513-26519. [link]
Rogers-Bennett, LR, KM Aquilino, CA Catton, SK Kawana, BJ Walker, LM Ashlock, BC Marshman, JD Moore, IK Taniguchi, KV Gilardi, GN Cherr (2016) Implementing a restoration program for the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) in California. Journal of Shellfish Research. 35(3): 611-618. [link]
Whalen, MA, KM Aquilino, and JJ Stachowicz. (2016) Grazer diversity interacts with biogenic habitat heterogeneity to accelerate intertidal algal succession. Ecology. 97(8):2136–2146. [link]
Aquilino, KM, ME Coulborune, and JJ Stachowicz (2012) Diverse algal diets increase the performance of two rocky intertidal herbivores. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 468:179-189. [link]
Aquilino, KM and JJ Stachowicz (2012) Seaweed diversity and herbivory increase rate of community recovery from disturbance. Ecology. 93:879-890. [link]
Edwards, KF, KM Aquilino, RJ Best, KL Sellheim, and JJ Stachowicz (2010) Prey diversity is associated with weaker consumer effects in a meta-analysis of benthic marine experiments. Ecology Letters. 13:194-201. [link]
Aquilino, KM, MES Bracken, MN Faubel, and JJ Stachowicz (2009) Local-scale autochthonous nutrient inputs in an upwelling ecosystem facilitate seaweed growth on wave-exposed rocky shores. Limnology and Oceanography. 54:309-317. (Featured article in the issue) [link]
Aquilino, KM, BJ Cardinale, and AR Ives (2005) Reciprocal effects of host-plant and natural enemy diversity on herbivore suppression: An empirical study of a model tri-trophic system. Oikos. 108:275-282. [link]